1 /**
2  * Lookup of icon themes and icons.
3  *
4  * Note: All found icons are just paths. They are not verified to be valid images.
5  *
6  * Authors:
7  *  $(LINK2 https://github.com/FreeSlave, Roman Chistokhodov)
8  * Copyright:
9  *  Roman Chistokhodov, 2015-2016
10  * License:
11  *  $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
12  * See_Also:
13  *  $(LINK2 http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html, Icon Theme Specification)
14  */
16 module icontheme.lookup;
18 import icontheme.file;
20 package {
21     import std.file;
22     import std.path;
23     import std.range;
24     import std.traits;
25     import std.typecons;
26 }
28 @trusted bool isDirNothrow(string dir) nothrow
29 {
30     bool ok;
31     collectException(dir.isDir(), ok);
32     return ok;
33 }
35 @trusted bool isFileNothrow(string file) nothrow
36 {
37     bool ok;
38     collectException(file.isFile(), ok);
39     return ok;
40 }
42 @trusted InputRange!DirEntry dirEntriesNothrow(string path, SpanMode mode) nothrow
43 {
44     try {
45         return inputRangeObject(dirEntries(path, mode));
46     } catch(Exception e) {
47         return inputRangeObject(DirEntry[].init);
48     }
49 }
51 /**
52  * Default icon extensions. This array includes .png and .xpm.
53  * PNG is recommended format.
54  * XPM is kept for backward compatibility.
55  *
56  * Note: Icon Theme Specificiation also lists .svg as possible format,
57  * but it's less common to have SVG support for applications,
58  * hence this format is defined as optional by specificiation.
59  * If your application has proper support for SVG images,
60  * array should include it in the first place as the most preferred format
61  * because SVG images are scalable.
62  */
63 enum defaultIconExtensions = [".png", ".xpm"];
65 /**
66  * Convenient constant for the default icon theme name.
67  */
68 enum defaultGenericIconTheme = "hicolor";
70 ///
71 deprecated("use defaultGenericIconTheme") alias defaultFallbackIconTheme = defaultGenericIconTheme;
73 /**
74  * Find all icon themes in searchIconDirs.
75  * Note:
76  *  You may want to skip icon themes duplicates if there're different versions of the index.theme file for the same theme.
77  * Returns:
78  *  Range of paths to index.theme files represented icon themes.
79  * Params:
80  *  searchIconDirs = base icon directories to search icon themes.
81  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs)
82  */
83 auto iconThemePaths(Range)(Range searchIconDirs)
84 if(is(ElementType!Range : string))
85 {
86     return searchIconDirs.map!(function(iconDir) {
87             return iconDir.dirEntriesNothrow(SpanMode.shallow)
88                 .map!(p => buildPath(p, "index.theme")).cache()
89                 .filter!(isFileNothrow);
90         }).joiner;
91 }
93 ///
94 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
95 {
96     auto paths = iconThemePaths(["test"]).array;
97     assert(paths.length == 3);
98     assert(paths.canFind(buildPath("test", "NewTango", "index.theme")));
99     assert(paths.canFind(buildPath("test", "Tango", "index.theme")));
100     assert(paths.canFind(buildPath("test", "hicolor", "index.theme")));
101 }
103 /**
104  * Lookup index.theme files by theme name.
105  * Params:
106  *  themeName = Theme name (as the base name of theme subdirectory).
107  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories to search icon themes.
108  * Returns:
109  *  Range of paths to index.theme file corresponding to the given theme.
110  * Note:
111  *  Usually you want to use the only first found file.
112  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D findIconTheme)
113  */
114 auto lookupIconTheme(Range)(string themeName, Range searchIconDirs)
115 if(is(ElementType!Range : string))
116 {
117     return searchIconDirs
118         .map!(dir => buildPath(dir, themeName, "index.theme")).cache()
119         .filter!(isFileNothrow);
120 }
122 /**
123  * Find index.theme file by theme name.
124  * Returns:
125  *  Path to the first found index.theme file or null string if not found.
126  * Params:
127  *  themeName = Theme name (as the base name of theme subdirectory).
128  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories to search icon themes.
129  * Returns:
130  *  Path to the first found index.theme file corresponding to the given theme.
131  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIconTheme)
132  */
133 auto findIconTheme(Range)(string themeName, Range searchIconDirs)
134 {
135     auto paths = lookupIconTheme(themeName, searchIconDirs);
136     if (paths.empty) {
137         return null;
138     } else {
139         return paths.front;
140     }
141 }
143 /**
144  * Find index.theme file for given theme and create instance of $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile). The first found file will be used.
145  * Returns: $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) object read from the first found index.theme file corresponding to given theme or null if none were found.
146  * Params:
147  *  themeName = Theme name (as the base name of theme subdirectory).
148  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories to search icon themes.
149  *  options = options for $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) reading.
150  * Throws:
151  *  $(B ErrnoException) if file could not be opened.
152  *  $(B IniLikeException) if error occured while reading the file.
153  * See_Also: $(D findIconTheme), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs)
154  */
155 IconThemeFile openIconTheme(Range)(string themeName,
156                                          Range searchIconDirs,
157                                          IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions options = IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions.init)
158 {
159     auto path = findIconTheme(themeName, searchIconDirs);
160     return path.empty ? null : new IconThemeFile(to!string(path), options);
161 }
163 ///
164 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
165 {
166     auto tango = openIconTheme("Tango", ["test"]);
167     assert(tango);
168     assert(tango.displayName() == "Tango");
170     auto hicolor = openIconTheme("hicolor", ["test"]);
171     assert(hicolor);
172     assert(hicolor.displayName() == "Hicolor");
174     assert(openIconTheme("Nonexistent", ["test"]) is null);
175 }
177 /**
178  * Result of icon lookup.
179  */
180 struct IconSearchResult(IconTheme) if (is(IconTheme : const(IconThemeFile)))
181 {
182     /**
183      * File path of found icon.
184      */
185     string filePath;
186     /**
187      * Subdirectory the found icon belongs to.
188      */
189     IconSubDir subdir;
190     /**
191      * $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) the found icon belongs to.
192      */
193     Rebindable!IconTheme iconTheme;
194 }
196 /**
197  * Lookup icon alternatives in icon themes. It uses icon theme cache wherever it's loaded. If searched icon is found in some icon theme all subsequent themes are ignored.
198  *
199  * This function may require many $(B stat) calls, so beware. Use subdirFilter to filter icons by $(D icontheme.file.IconSubDir) properties (e.g. by size or context) to decrease the number of searchable items and allocations. Loading $(D icontheme.cache.IconThemeCache) may also descrease the number of stats.
200  *
201  * Params:
202  *  iconName = Icon name.
203  *  iconThemes = Icon themes to search icon in.
204  *  searchIconDirs = Case icon directories.
205  *  extensions = Possible file extensions of needed icon file, in order of preference.
206  *  sink = Output range accepting $(D IconSearchResult)s.
207  *  reverse = Iterate over icon theme sub-directories in reverse way.
208  *      Usually directories with larger icon size are listed the last,
209  *      so this parameter may speed up the search when looking for the largest icon.
210  * Note: Specification says that extension must be ".png", ".xpm" or ".svg", though SVG is not required to be supported. Some icon themes also contain .svgz images.
211  * Example:
212 ----------
213 lookupIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places" && subdir.size >= 32)(
214     "folder", iconThemes, baseIconDirs(), [".png", ".xpm"],
215     delegate void (IconSearchResult!IconThemeFile item) {
216         writefln("Icon file: %s. Context: %s. Size: %s. Theme: %s", item.filePath, item.subdir.context, item.subdir.size, item.iconTheme.displayName);
217     });
218 ----------
219  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupNonThemedIcon)
220  */
221 void lookupIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts, OutputRange)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions, OutputRange sink, Flag!"reverse" reverse = No.reverse)
222 if (isInputRange!(IconThemes) && isForwardRange!(BaseDirs) && isForwardRange!(Exts) &&
223     is(ElementType!IconThemes : const(IconThemeFile)) && is(ElementType!BaseDirs : string) &&
224     is(ElementType!Exts : string) && isOutputRange!(OutputRange, IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes)))
225 {
226     bool onExtensions(string themeBaseDir, IconSubDir subdir, ElementType!IconThemes iconTheme)
227     {
228         string subdirPath = buildPath(themeBaseDir, subdir.name);
229         if (!subdirPath.isDirNothrow) {
230             return false;
231         }
232         bool found;
233         foreach(extension; extensions) {
234             string path = buildPath(subdirPath, iconName ~ extension);
235             if (path.isFileNothrow) {
236                 found = true;
237                 put(sink, IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes)(path, subdir, iconTheme));
238             }
239         }
240         return found;
241     }
243     foreach(iconTheme; iconThemes) {
244         if (iconTheme is null || iconTheme.internalName().length == 0) {
245             continue;
246         }
248         string[] themeBaseDirs = searchIconDirs.map!(dir => buildPath(dir, iconTheme.internalName())).filter!(isDirNothrow).array;
250         bool found;
252         auto bySubdir = choose(reverse, iconTheme.bySubdir().retro(), iconTheme.bySubdir());
253         foreach(subdir; bySubdir) {
254             if (!subdirFilter(subdir)) {
255                 continue;
256             }
257             foreach(themeBaseDir; themeBaseDirs) {
258                 if (iconTheme.cache !is null && themeBaseDir == iconTheme.cache.fileName.dirName) {
259                     if (iconTheme.cache.containsIcon(iconName, subdir.name)) {
260                         found = onExtensions(themeBaseDir, subdir, iconTheme) || found;
261                     }
262                 } else {
263                     found = onExtensions(themeBaseDir, subdir, iconTheme) || found;
264                 }
265             }
266         }
267         if (found) {
268             return;
269         }
270     }
271 }
273 /**
274  * Iterate over all icons in icon themes.
275  * iconThemes is usually the range of the main theme and themes it inherits from.
276  * Note: Usually if some icon was found in icon theme, it should be ignored in all subsequent themes, including sizes not presented in former theme.
277  * Use subdirFilter to filter icons by $(D icontheme.file.IconSubDir) thus decreasing the number of searchable items and allocations.
278  * Returns: Range of $(D IconSearchResult).
279  * Params:
280  *  iconThemes = Icon themes to search icon in.
281  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
282  *  extensions = possible file extensions for icon files.
283  * Example:
284 -------------
285 foreach(item; lookupThemeIcons!(subdir => subdir.context == "MimeTypes" && subdir.size >= 32)(iconThemes, baseIconDirs(), [".png", ".xpm"]))
286 {
287     writefln("Icon file: %s. Context: %s. Size: %s", item.filePath, item.subdir.context, item.subdir.size);
288 }
289 -------------
290  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D openBaseThemes)
291  */
293 auto lookupThemeIcons(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
294 if (is(ElementType!IconThemes : const(IconThemeFile)) && is(ElementType!BaseDirs : string) && is (ElementType!Exts : string))
295 {
296     return iconThemes.filter!(iconTheme => iconTheme !is null).map!(
297         iconTheme => iconTheme.bySubdir().filter!(subdirFilter).map!(
298             subdir => searchIconDirs.map!(
299                 basePath => buildPath(basePath, iconTheme.internalName(), subdir.name)
300             ).map!(
301                 subdirPath => subdirPath.dirEntriesNothrow(SpanMode.shallow).filter!(
302                     filePath => filePath.isFileNothrow && extensions.canFind(filePath.extension)
303                 ).map!(filePath => IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes)(filePath, subdir, iconTheme))
304             ).joiner
305         ).joiner
306     ).joiner;
307 }
309 /**
310  * Iterate over all icons out of icon themes.
311  * Returns: Range of found icon file paths.
312  * Params:
313  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
314  *  extensions = Possible file extensions for icon files.
315  * See_Also:
316  *  $(D lookupNonThemedIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs)
317  */
318 auto lookupNonThemedIcons(BaseDirs, Exts)(BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
319 if (isInputRange!(BaseDirs) && isForwardRange!(Exts) &&
320     is(ElementType!BaseDirs : string) && is(ElementType!Exts : string))
321 {
322     return searchIconDirs.map!(basePath => basePath.dirEntriesNothrow(SpanMode.shallow).filter!(
323         filePath => filePath.isFileNothrow && extensions.canFind(filePath.extension)
324     )).joiner;
325 }
327 deprecated alias lookupFallbackIcons = lookupNonThemedIcons;
329 /**
330  * Lookup icon alternatives beyond the icon themes. May be used as fallback lookup, if $(D lookupIcon) returned empty range.
331  * Returns: The range of found icon file paths.
332  * Example:
333 ----------
334 auto result = lookupNonThemedIcon("folder", baseIconDirs(), [".png", ".xpm"]);
335 ----------
336  * See_Also: $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D lookupNonThemedIcons)
337  */
338 auto lookupNonThemedIcon(BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
339 if (isInputRange!(BaseDirs) && isForwardRange!(Exts) &&
340     is(ElementType!BaseDirs : string) && is(ElementType!Exts : string))
341 {
342     return searchIconDirs.map!(basePath =>
343         extensions
344             .map!(extension => buildPath(basePath, iconName ~ extension)).cache()
345             .filter!(isFileNothrow)
346     ).joiner;
347 }
349 deprecated alias lookupFallbackIcon = lookupNonThemedIcon;
351 /**
352  * Find icon outside of icon themes. The first found is returned.
353  * See_Also: $(D lookupNonThemedIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs)
354  */
355 string findNonThemedIcon(BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
356 {
357     auto r = lookupNonThemedIcon(iconName, searchIconDirs, extensions);
358     if (r.empty) {
359         return null;
360     } else {
361         return r.front;
362     }
363 }
365 ///
366 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
367 {
368     assert(findNonThemedIcon("pidgin", ["test"], defaultIconExtensions) == buildPath("test", "pidgin.png"));
369     assert(findNonThemedIcon("nonexistent", ["test"], defaultIconExtensions).empty);
370 }
372 deprecated alias findFallbackIcon = findNonThemedIcon;
374 /**
375  * Find icon of the closest size. It uses icon theme cache wherever possible. The first perfect match is used. It searches only for icons in themes.
376  * Params:
377  *  iconName = Name of icon to search as defined by Icon Theme Specification (i.e. without path and extension parts).
378  *  desiredSize = Preferred icon size to get.
379  *  iconThemes = Range of $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects.
380  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
381  *  extensions = Allowed file extensions.
382  * Returns: $(D IconSearchResult). filePath will be empty if icon is not found.
383  * Note: If icon of some size was found in the icon theme, this algorithm does not check following themes, even if they contain icons with closer size. Therefore the icon found in the more preferred theme always has presedence over icons from other themes.
384  * See_Also: $(D findClosestIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D iconSizeDistance)
385  */
386 auto findClosestThemedIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, uint desiredSize, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
387 {
388     uint minDistance = uint.max;
389     IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes) closest;
391     lookupIcon!(delegate bool(const(IconSubDir) subdir) {
392         return minDistance != 0 && subdirFilter(subdir) && iconSizeDistance(subdir, desiredSize) <= minDistance;
393     })(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions, delegate void(IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes) t) {
394         uint distance = iconSizeDistance(t.subdir, desiredSize);
395         if (distance < minDistance) {
396             minDistance = distance;
397             closest = t;
398         }
399     });
400     return closest;
401 }
403 ///
404 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
405 {
406     auto baseDirs = ["test"];
407     auto iconThemes = [openIconTheme("Tango", baseDirs), openIconTheme("hicolor", baseDirs)];
409     //exact match
410     auto found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
411     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
412     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
413     assert(found.subdir.context == "Places");
414     assert(found.iconTheme.internalName == "Tango");
416     found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 24, iconThemes, baseDirs);
417     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "24x24/devices", "folder.png"));
418     assert(found.subdir.size == 24);
419     assert(found.subdir.context == "Devices");
421     // with subdir filter
422     found = findClosestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
423     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
424     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
426     // non-exact match
427     found = findClosestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", 24, iconThemes, baseDirs);
428     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
429     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
431     // no match, wrong subdir
432     found = findClosestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "MimeTypes")("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
433     assert(found.filePath.empty);
435     //hicolor has exact match, but Tango is more preferred.
436     found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 64, iconThemes, baseDirs);
437     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
438     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
440     //find xpm
441     found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs, [".xpm"]);
442     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.xpm"));
443     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
445     //find big png, not exact match
446     found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 200, iconThemes, baseDirs);
447     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "128x128/places", "folder.png"));
448     assert(found.subdir.size == 128);
450     //svg is closer
451     found = findClosestThemedIcon("folder", 200, iconThemes, baseDirs, [".png", ".svg"]);
452     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "scalable/places", "folder.svg"));
453     assert(found.subdir.type == IconSubDir.Type.Scalable);
455     // exact match in hicolor
456     found = findClosestThemedIcon("text-plain", 48, iconThemes, baseDirs);
457     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "hicolor", "48x48/mimetypes", "text-plain.png"));
458     assert(found.subdir.size == 48);
459     assert(found.subdir.context == "MimeTypes");
460     assert(found.iconTheme.internalName == "hicolor");
462     // with subdir filter
463     found = findClosestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "MimeTypes")("text-plain", 48, iconThemes, baseDirs);
464     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "hicolor", "48x48/mimetypes", "text-plain.png"));
465     assert(found.subdir.size == 48);
467     // no match
468     found = findClosestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Actions")("text-plain", 48, iconThemes, baseDirs);
469     assert(found.filePath.empty);
470 }
472 /**
473  * ditto, but with predefined extensions.
474  * See_Also: $(D defaultIconExtensions)
475  */
476 auto findClosestThemedIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs)(string iconName, uint size, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs)
477 {
478     return findClosestThemedIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, size, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, defaultIconExtensions);
479 }
481 /**
482  * Find icon of the closest size. It uses icon theme cache wherever possible. The first perfect match is used.
483  * This is similar to $(D findClosestThemedIcon), but returns file path only and allows to search for non-themed icons.
484  * Params:
485  *  iconName = Name of icon to search as defined by Icon Theme Specification (i.e. without path and extension parts).
486  *  desiredSize = Preferred icon size to get.
487  *  iconThemes = Range of $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects.
488  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
489  *  extensions = Allowed file extensions.
490  *  allowNonThemed = Allow searching for non-themed icon if could not find icon in themes (non-themed icon can be any size).
491  * Returns: Icon file path or empty string if not found.
492  * Note: If icon of some size was found in the icon theme, this algorithm does not check following themes, even if they contain icons with closer size. Therefore the icon found in the more preferred theme always has presedence over icons from other themes.
493  * See_Also: $(D findClosestThemedIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D findNonThemedIcon), $(D iconSizeDistance)
494  */
495 string findClosestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, uint desiredSize, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions, Flag!"allowNonThemed" allowNonThemed = Yes.allowNonThemed)
496 {
497     string closest = findClosestThemedIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, desiredSize, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions).filePath;
498     if (closest.empty && allowNonThemed) {
499         return findNonThemedIcon(iconName, searchIconDirs, extensions);
500     } else {
501         return closest;
502     }
503 }
505 ///
506 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
507 {
508     auto baseDirs = ["test"];
509     auto iconThemes = [openIconTheme("Tango", baseDirs), openIconTheme("hicolor", baseDirs)];
511     string found;
513     //exact match
514     found = findClosestIcon("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
515     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
517     // with subdir filter
518     found = findClosestIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
519     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
521     // not exact match
522     found = findClosestIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", 24, iconThemes, baseDirs);
523     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
525     // no match, wrong subdir
526     found = findClosestIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "MimeTypes")("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs);
527     assert(found.empty);
529     //hicolor has exact match, but Tango is more preferred.
530     found = findClosestIcon("folder", 64, iconThemes, baseDirs);
531     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.png"));
533     //find xpm
534     found = findClosestIcon("folder", 32, iconThemes, baseDirs, [".xpm"]);
535     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "folder.xpm"));
537     //lookup non-themed
538     found = findClosestIcon("pidgin", 96, iconThemes, baseDirs);
539     assert(found == buildPath("test", "pidgin.png"));
541     //don't lookup non-themed
542     found = findClosestIcon("pidgin", 96, iconThemes, baseDirs, defaultIconExtensions, No.allowNonThemed);
543     assert(found.empty);
544 }
546 deprecated string findClosestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, uint desiredSize, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions, Flag!"allowFallbackIcon" allowFallback)
547 {
548     return findClosestIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, desiredSize, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions, cast(Flag!"allowNonThemed")allowFallback);
549 }
551 /**
552  * ditto, but with predefined extensions and non-themed icons allowed.
553  * See_Also: $(D defaultIconExtensions)
554  */
555 string findClosestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs)(string iconName, uint size, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs)
556 {
557     return findClosestIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, size, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, defaultIconExtensions);
558 }
560 /**
561  * Find icon of the largest size. It uses icon theme cache wherever possible.
562  * Params:
563  *  iconName = Name of icon to search as defined by Icon Theme Specification (i.e. without path and extension parts).
564  *  iconThemes = Range of $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects.
565  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
566  *  extensions = Allowed file extensions.
567  * Returns: $(D IconSearchResult). filePath will be empty if icon is not found.
568  * Note: If icon of some size was found in the icon theme, this algorithm does not check following themes, even if they contain icons with larger size. Therefore the icon found in the most preferred theme always has presedence over icons from other themes.
569  * See_Also: $(D findLargestIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D findNonThemedIcon)
570  */
571 auto findLargestThemedIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions)
572 {
573     uint max = 0;
574     IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes) largest;
576     lookupIcon!(delegate bool(const(IconSubDir) subdir) {
577         return subdirFilter(subdir) && subdir.size() >= max;
578     })(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions, delegate void(IconSearchResult!(ElementType!IconThemes) t) {
579         if (t.subdir.size() > max) {
580             max = t.subdir.size();
581             largest = t;
582         }
583     }, Yes.reverse);
585     return largest;
586 }
588 ///
589 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
590 {
591     auto baseDirs = ["test"];
592     auto iconThemes = [openIconTheme("Tango", baseDirs), openIconTheme("hicolor", baseDirs)];
594     auto found = findLargestThemedIcon("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
595     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "128x128/places", "folder.png"));
596     assert(found.subdir.size == 128);
597     assert(found.subdir.context == "Places");
598     assert(found.iconTheme.internalName == "Tango");
600     found = findLargestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
601     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "128x128/places", "folder.png"));
603     found = findLargestThemedIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Actions")("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
604     assert(found.filePath.empty);
606     found = findLargestThemedIcon("desktop", iconThemes, baseDirs);
607     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "desktop.png"));
608     assert(found.subdir.size == 32);
610     found = findLargestThemedIcon("desktop", iconThemes, baseDirs, [".svg", ".png"]);
611     assert(found.filePath == buildPath("test", "Tango", "scalable/places", "desktop.svg"));
612     assert(found.subdir.type == IconSubDir.Type.Scalable);
613 }
615 /**
616  * ditto, but with predefined extensions.
617  * See_Also: $(D defaultIconExtensions)
618  */
619 auto findLargestThemedIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs)
620 {
621     return findLargestThemedIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, defaultIconExtensions);
622 }
624 /**
625  * Find icon of the largest size. It uses icon theme cache wherever possible.
626  * This is similar to $(D findLargestThemedIcon), but returns file path only and allows to search for non-themed icons.
627  * Params:
628  *  iconName = Name of icon to search as defined by Icon Theme Specification (i.e. without path and extension parts).
629  *  iconThemes = Range of $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects.
630  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories.
631  *  extensions = Allowed file extensions.
632  *  allowNonThemed = Allow searching for non-themed fallback if could not find icon in themes.
633  * Returns: Icon file path or empty string if not found.
634  * Note: If icon of some size was found in the icon theme, this algorithm does not check following themes, even if they contain icons with larger size. Therefore the icon found in the most preferred theme always has presedence over icons from other themes.
635  * See_Also: $(D findLargestThemedIcon), $(D icontheme.paths.baseIconDirs), $(D lookupIcon), $(D findNonThemedIcon)
636  */
637 string findLargestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions, Flag!"allowNonThemed" allowNonThemed = Yes.allowNonThemed)
638 {
639     string largest = findLargestThemedIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions).filePath;
641     if (largest.empty && allowNonThemed) {
642         return findNonThemedIcon(iconName, searchIconDirs, extensions);
643     } else {
644         return largest;
645     }
646 }
648 ///
649 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
650 {
651     auto baseDirs = ["test"];
652     auto iconThemes = [openIconTheme("Tango", baseDirs), openIconTheme("hicolor", baseDirs)];
654     string found;
656     found = findLargestIcon("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
657     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "128x128/places", "folder.png"));
659     found = findLargestIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Places")("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
660     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "128x128/places", "folder.png"));
662     found = findLargestIcon!(subdir => subdir.context == "Actions")("folder", iconThemes, baseDirs);
663     assert(found.empty);
665     found = findLargestIcon("desktop", iconThemes, baseDirs);
666     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "32x32/places", "desktop.png"));
668     found = findLargestIcon("desktop", iconThemes, baseDirs, [".svg", ".png"]);
669     assert(found == buildPath("test", "Tango", "scalable/places", "desktop.svg"));
671     //lookup non-themed
672     found = findLargestIcon("pidgin", iconThemes, baseDirs);
673     assert(found == buildPath("test", "pidgin.png"));
675     //don't lookup non-themed
676     found = findLargestIcon("pidgin", iconThemes, baseDirs, defaultIconExtensions, No.allowNonThemed);
677     assert(found.empty);
678 }
680 deprecated string findLargestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs, Exts)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs, Exts extensions, Flag!"allowFallbackIcon" allowFallback)
681 {
682     return findLargestIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, extensions, cast(Flag!"allowNonThemed")allowFallback);
683 }
685 /**
686  * ditto, but with predefined extensions and non-themed icons allowed.
687  * See_Also: $(D defaultIconExtensions)
688  */
689 string findLargestIcon(alias subdirFilter = (a => true), IconThemes, BaseDirs)(string iconName, IconThemes iconThemes, BaseDirs searchIconDirs)
690 {
691     return findLargestIcon!subdirFilter(iconName, iconThemes, searchIconDirs, defaultIconExtensions);
692 }
694 /**
695  * Distance between desired size and minimum or maximum size value supported by icon theme subdirectory.
696  */
697 @nogc @safe uint iconSizeDistance(in IconSubDir subdir, uint matchSize) nothrow pure
698 {
699     const uint size = subdir.size();
700     const uint minSize = subdir.minSize();
701     const uint maxSize = subdir.maxSize();
702     const uint threshold = subdir.threshold();
704     final switch(subdir.type()) {
705         case IconSubDir.Type.Fixed:
706         {
707             if (size > matchSize) {
708                 return size - matchSize;
709             } else if (size < matchSize) {
710                 return matchSize - size;
711             } else {
712                 return 0;
713             }
714         }
715         case IconSubDir.Type.Scalable:
716         {
717             if (matchSize < minSize) {
718                 return minSize - matchSize;
719             } else if (matchSize > maxSize) {
720                 return matchSize - maxSize;
721             } else {
722                 return 0;
723             }
724         }
725         case IconSubDir.Type.Threshold:
726         {
727             if (matchSize < size - threshold) {
728                 return (size - threshold) - matchSize;
729             } else if (matchSize > size + threshold) {
730                 return matchSize - (size + threshold);
731             } else {
732                 return 0;
733             }
734         }
735     }
736 }
738 ///
739 unittest
740 {
741     auto fixed = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Fixed);
742     assert(iconSizeDistance(fixed, fixed.size()) == 0);
743     assert(iconSizeDistance(fixed, 30) == 2);
744     assert(iconSizeDistance(fixed, 35) == 3);
746     auto threshold = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Threshold, "", 0, 0, 5);
747     assert(iconSizeDistance(threshold, threshold.size()) == 0);
748     assert(iconSizeDistance(threshold, threshold.size() - threshold.threshold()) == 0);
749     assert(iconSizeDistance(threshold, threshold.size() + threshold.threshold()) == 0);
750     assert(iconSizeDistance(threshold, 26) == 1);
751     assert(iconSizeDistance(threshold, 39) == 2);
753     auto scalable = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Scalable, "", 24, 48);
754     assert(iconSizeDistance(scalable, scalable.size()) == 0);
755     assert(iconSizeDistance(scalable, scalable.minSize()) == 0);
756     assert(iconSizeDistance(scalable, scalable.maxSize()) == 0);
757     assert(iconSizeDistance(scalable, 20) == 4);
758     assert(iconSizeDistance(scalable, 50) == 2);
759 }
761 /**
762  * Check if matchSize belongs to subdir's size range.
763  */
764 @nogc @safe bool matchIconSize(in IconSubDir subdir, uint matchSize) nothrow pure
765 {
766     const uint size = subdir.size();
767     const uint minSize = subdir.minSize();
768     const uint maxSize = subdir.maxSize();
769     const uint threshold = subdir.threshold();
771     final switch(subdir.type()) {
772         case IconSubDir.Type.Fixed:
773             return size == matchSize;
774         case IconSubDir.Type.Threshold:
775             return matchSize <= (size + threshold) && matchSize >= (size - threshold);
776         case IconSubDir.Type.Scalable:
777             return matchSize >= minSize && matchSize <= maxSize;
778     }
779 }
781 ///
782 unittest
783 {
784     auto fixed = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Fixed);
785     assert(matchIconSize(fixed, fixed.size()));
786     assert(!matchIconSize(fixed, fixed.size() - 2));
788     auto threshold = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Threshold, "", 0, 0, 5);
789     assert(matchIconSize(threshold, threshold.size() + threshold.threshold()));
790     assert(matchIconSize(threshold, threshold.size() - threshold.threshold()));
791     assert(!matchIconSize(threshold, threshold.size() + threshold.threshold() + 1));
792     assert(!matchIconSize(threshold, threshold.size() - threshold.threshold() - 1));
794     auto scalable = IconSubDir(32, IconSubDir.Type.Scalable, "", 24, 48);
795     assert(matchIconSize(scalable, scalable.minSize()));
796     assert(matchIconSize(scalable, scalable.maxSize()));
797     assert(!matchIconSize(scalable, scalable.minSize() - 1));
798     assert(!matchIconSize(scalable, scalable.maxSize() + 1));
799 }
801 /**
802  * Find icon closest to the given size among given alternatives.
803  * Params:
804  *  alternatives = Range of $(D IconSearchResult)s, usually returned by $(D lookupIcon).
805  *  matchSize = Desired size of icon.
806  */
807 string matchBestIcon(Range)(Range alternatives, uint matchSize)
808 {
809     uint minDistance = uint.max;
810     string closest;
812     foreach(t; alternatives) {
813         auto path = t[0];
814         auto subdir = t[1];
815         uint distance = iconSizeDistance(subdir, matchSize);
816         if (distance < minDistance) {
817             minDistance = distance;
818             closest = path;
819         }
820         if (minDistance == 0) {
821             return closest;
822         }
823     }
825     return closest;
826 }
828 private void openBaseThemesHelper(Range)(ref IconThemeFile[] themes, IconThemeFile iconTheme,
829                                       Range searchIconDirs,
830                                       IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions options)
831 {
832     foreach(name; iconTheme.inherits()) {
833         if (!themes.canFind!(function(theme, name) {
834             return theme.internalName == name;
835         })(name)) {
836             try {
837                 IconThemeFile f = openIconTheme(name, searchIconDirs, options);
838                 if (f) {
839                     themes ~= f;
840                     openBaseThemesHelper(themes, f, searchIconDirs, options);
841                 }
842             } catch(Exception e) {
844             }
845         }
846     }
847 }
849 /**
850  * Recursively find all themes the given theme is inherited from.
851  * Params:
852  *  iconTheme = Original icon theme to search for its base themes. It's NOT included in the resulting array. Must be not null.
853  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories to search icon themes.
854  *  genericThemeName = Name of icon theme which is loaded the last even if it's not specified in inheritance tree.
855  *      Pass empty string to avoid it. It's NOT loaded twice if some theme in inheritance tree has it as base theme.
856  *      Usually you don't need to change this parameter since $(D hicolor) is required to be used by specification.
857  *  options = Options for $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) reading.
858  * Returns:
859  *  Array of unique $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects represented base themes.
860  * See_Also:
861  *  $(D openThemeFamily)
862  */
863 IconThemeFile[] openBaseThemes(Range)(IconThemeFile iconTheme,
864                                       Range searchIconDirs,
865                                       string genericThemeName = defaultGenericIconTheme,
866                                       IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions options = IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions.init)
867 if(isForwardRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : string))
868 {
869     IconThemeFile[] themes;
870     openBaseThemesHelper(themes, iconTheme, searchIconDirs, options);
872     if (genericThemeName.length) {
873         auto genericFound = themes.filter!(theme => theme !is null).find!(theme => theme.internalName == genericThemeName);
874         if (genericFound.empty) {
875             IconThemeFile genericTheme;
876             collectException(openIconTheme(genericThemeName, searchIconDirs, options), genericTheme);
877             if (genericTheme) {
878                 themes ~= genericTheme;
879             }
880         }
881     }
883     return themes;
884 }
886 ///
887 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
888 {
889     auto tango = openIconTheme("NewTango", ["test"]);
890     auto baseThemes = openBaseThemes(tango, ["test"]);
892     assert(baseThemes.length == 2);
893     assert(baseThemes[0].internalName() == "Tango");
894     assert(baseThemes[1].internalName() == "hicolor");
896     baseThemes = openBaseThemes(tango, ["test"], null);
897     assert(baseThemes.length == 1);
898     assert(baseThemes[0].internalName() == "Tango");
899 }
901 /**
902  * Recursively find all themes the given theme is inherited from.
903  * Params:
904  *  iconTheme = Original icon theme to search for its base themes. Included as first element in the resulting array. Must be not null.
905  *  searchIconDirs = Base icon directories to search icon themes.
906  *  genericThemeName = Name of icon theme which is loaded the last even if it's not specified in inheritance tree.
907  *      Pass empty string to avoid it. It's NOT loaded twice if some theme in inheritance tree has it as base theme.
908  *      Usually you don't need to change this parameter since $(D hicolor) is required to be used by specification.
909  *  options = Options for $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) reading.
910  * Returns:
911  *  Array of unique $(D icontheme.file.IconThemeFile) objects that represent the provided icon theme and its base themes.
912  * See_Also:
913  *  $(D openBaseThemes)
914  */
915 IconThemeFile[] openThemeFamily(Range)(IconThemeFile iconTheme,
916                                       Range searchIconDirs,
917                                       string genericThemeName = defaultGenericIconTheme,
918                                       IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions options = IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions.init)
919 if(isForwardRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : string))
920 {
921     IconThemeFile[] toReturn;
922     toReturn ~= iconTheme;
923     toReturn ~= openBaseThemes(iconTheme, searchIconDirs, genericThemeName, options);
924     return toReturn;
925 }
927 /**
928  * ditto, but firstly loads the given icon theme by name. Returns an empty array if theme specified by $(D iconThemeName) could not be loaded.
929  */
930 IconThemeFile[] openThemeFamily(Range)(string iconThemeName,
931                                       Range searchIconDirs,
932                                       string genericThemeName = defaultGenericIconTheme,
933                                       IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions options = IconThemeFile.IconThemeReadOptions.init)
934 if(isForwardRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range : string))
935 {
936     auto iconTheme = openIconTheme(iconThemeName, searchIconDirs, options);
937     if (iconTheme) {
938         return openThemeFamily(iconTheme, searchIconDirs, genericThemeName, options);
939     }
940     return typeof(return).init;
941 }
943 ///
944 version(iconthemeFileTest) unittest
945 {
946     auto iconThemes = openThemeFamily("NewTango", ["test"]);
948     assert(iconThemes.length == 3);
949     assert(iconThemes[0].internalName() == "NewTango");
950     assert(iconThemes[1].internalName() == "Tango");
951     assert(iconThemes[2].internalName() == "hicolor");
953     iconThemes = openThemeFamily("NewTango", ["test"], null);
954     assert(iconThemes.length == 2);
955     assert(iconThemes[0].internalName() == "NewTango");
956     assert(iconThemes[1].internalName() == "Tango");
957 }